Bluehost change primary domain

Changing your primary domain in Bluehost involves understanding its importance, following specific steps, addressing common issues, and recognizing the benefits. It requires careful consideration and precautions to ensure a smooth transition, supported by solutions for potential problems and informed by frequently asked questions.

Design a humorous image attracting viewers towards web hosting. This image should represent a fictitious friendly alien from outer space attempting to change the primary domain of his website on his spaceship's console. The alien is fumbling with an array of glowing buttons and holographic screens showing data. The screen on the console flashes 'Primary Domain Change' in luminous blue. This is a lighthearted portrayal of the complexities of web management, making it enticing for viewers interested in web hosting solutions.

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How to Change Your Primary Domain in Bluehost?

A primary domain is the main domain name associated with your web hosting account in Bluehost, serving as the foundational web address through which your website is identified and accessed on the internet. Changing your primary domain may be necessary for several reasons, such as rebranding your business, acquiring a more desirable domain name, or correcting a mistake made during the initial setup. The process involves navigating your hosting account's settings and making the change, which can have significant implications for your website's accessibility and search engine ranking. Therefore, itΓ’€™s crucial to understand the implications and steps involved in changing your primary domain.

Steps to Change Your Primary Domain in Bluehost

  1. Log in to your Bluehost control panel.
  2. From the sidebar, click on the 'Domains' section.
  3. Select 'Assign' to assign a new domain to your account.
  4. Enter the new domain name you wish to make your primary domain.
  5. Verify ownership of the domain if required by Bluehost.
  6. Choose the option to make the new domain your primary domain.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the domain change.
  8. Confirm the domain change via email if necessary.
  9. Wait for the changes to propagate across the internet. This may take up to 48 hours.

This process is related to web hosting and is specific to managing your hosting account with Bluehost.

Common Issues When Changing Your Primary Domain in Bluehost

Changing your primary domain in Bluehost can be a necessary step for various reasons, such as rebranding or shifting the focus of your website. However, this process can come with its own set of challenges. Users often encounter issues such as downtime, which can affect your site's accessibility to visitors. There's also the risk of losing emails if the MX records are not correctly updated during the transition. Another common problem is broken links and missing content, as absolute paths in your website's code might still point to the old domain. Additionally, SEO rankings can temporarily drop until search engines re-index the site under the new domain. It's crucial to plan and execute domain changes carefully to minimize these impacts.

How to Resolve Common Issues When Changing Your Primary Domain in Bluehost

  1. Ensure you have access to the new domain: Before making any changes, verify that you own the new domain you intend to set as your primary domain on Bluehost.
  2. Back up your website: Always create a complete backup of your website before making significant changes to avoid data loss.
  3. Update DNS settings: Change the DNS settings of your new domain to point to Bluehost's servers. This update might take up to 48 hours to propagate.
  4. Change the primary domain: Once the new domain's DNS settings are updated, log into your Bluehost account and navigate to the domain management section to change your primary domain.
  5. Update WordPress (or other CMS) settings: If you're using a content management system like WordPress, remember to update the site URL and home settings to reflect the new domain.
  6. Check for broken links: After changing your primary domain, check your site for broken links and update them accordingly.
  7. Renew SSL certificates: If you have SSL certificates, you may need to reissue or renew them for the new domain to ensure your website remains secure.
  8. Contact support if needed: If you encounter any issues during the process, don't hesitate to contact Bluehost's support team for assistance.

Benefits of Changing Your Primary Domain in Bluehost

Changing your primary domain in Bluehost can significantly impact your web hosting experience, offering several key benefits. Firstly, it allows for a seamless rebranding process, enabling you to update your website's identity without the need for creating a new hosting account. This change can also improve your website's SEO performance by aligning your domain name more closely with your brand and target keywords, potentially increasing your visibility in search engine results. Additionally, updating your primary domain can simplify website management by consolidating your domains and websites under a single, more relevant domain name. This can enhance user experience, making it easier for visitors to remember and return to your site. Overall, changing your primary domain in Bluehost is a strategic move that can support your branding efforts, optimize your SEO, and streamline your website's management.

Precautions to Take When Changing Your Primary Domain in Bluehost

  1. Backup Your Website: Before making any changes, ensure you have a complete backup of your website, including databases, files, and emails.
  2. Update DNS Settings: Be prepared to update your domain's DNS settings. This might involve configuring A records, CNAME records, MX records, etc., to point to Bluehost servers.
  3. Check Email Configuration: If you use email services associated with your domain, verify and reconfigure your email settings to ensure continued service after the domain change.
  4. Inform Your Users: If your website has a regular user base, inform them about the domain change in advance to avoid confusion.
  5. Update Google Webmaster Tools: After changing your domain, update your information in Google Webmaster Tools to maintain your SEO rankings.
  6. Review and Update Internal Links: Check your website for any internal links, including links to CSS, JavaScript files, or images, that might still point to the old domain and update them accordingly.
  7. Renew Your SSL Certificates: If you have SSL certificates, remember to reissue or renew them for the new domain to keep your website secure.
  8. Monitor Your Website: After the domain change, closely monitor your website for any issues related to functionality, performance, or SEO rankings and address them promptly.

FAQs on Changing Your Primary Domain in Bluehost

Frequently Asked Questions Answers
Can I change my primary domain in Bluehost? Yes, you can change your primary domain in Bluehost, but you need to contact their customer support to do so.
Will changing my primary domain affect my emails? Yes, changing your primary domain can affect your email setup. You may need to reconfigure your email settings to reflect the new domain.
How long does it take to change the primary domain? The process can take up to 24-48 hours to fully propagate across the internet.
Can I change my primary domain to any domain I own? Yes, as long as the domain is registered and not already set as a primary domain for another account in Bluehost, you can change it.
Does changing my primary domain affect my website's SEO? Yes, changing your primary domain can affect your SEO. It's recommended to set up proper 301 redirects and update your Google Search Console to minimize impact.

Summary on Changing Your Primary Domain in Bluehost

Changing your primary domain in Bluehost is a straightforward process that can significantly impact your web hosting experience. This article covers the essential steps and considerations involved in making this change. Key points include the necessity of backing up your website data before making any changes, how to navigate the Bluehost control panel to initiate the domain change, and the importance of updating your DNS settings to ensure your website remains accessible. Additionally, the article highlights the potential need for adjusting email settings if your email is tied to your domain. Following these guidelines will help ensure a smooth transition to your new primary domain.


Changing your primary domain in Bluehost is a process that, while straightforward, requires careful consideration and planning. It's a vital step for many website owners looking to rebrand, streamline their online presence, or correct an initial setup. By following the recommended guidelines and ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the implications for your website's SEO and accessibility, you can make the transition smoothly and efficiently. Remember, the key to a successful domain change lies in meticulous preparation and execution. We encourage all users to take the right steps, double-check their work, and not hesitate to seek assistance if needed. With the right approach, your website can continue to thrive under its new domain, providing a seamless experience for your visitors and maintaining its search engine rankings.

Godaddy Smart Terminal

Create a humorous and enticing image that showcases a generic smart terminal for a web hosting service. The terminal itself is sleek, modern with an interactive screen filled with colorful website statistics and icons. In the scenario, a computer mouse is attempting to 'feed' the terminal with a cheese-shaped pendrive as if luring a pet. The background could feature lighthearted, abstract internet and web hosting-related symbols.

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Godaddy Smart Terminal

Godaddy Api Key

Create an amusing scene related to web hosting. Picture a lighthearted moment where an animated, anthropomorphic key, which is a representative for an API key, is engaging in a playful conversation with a cartoon laptop. They are surrounded by symbols of technology and web hosting - server racks, Ethernet cables, and browser icons. Additionally, include a speech bubble coming from the key, saying 'Only you have the power to unlock unlimited possibilities on the web!' to underline the vital role of API key in web hosting in a humorous way. No specific brand references should be depicted.

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Godaddy Api Key

Wix Constant Contact

Create a humorous and enticing image that showcases a scenario of web hosting. There could be a mailman character, symbolizing 'Constant Contact', attempting to send a huge envelope which is humorously marked as 'Your Website'. Nearby, an engineer character representing 'Wix', is laughing while comfortably sitting on a golden throne made up of gears and circuits, showing off the ease of using Wix for web hosting.

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Wix Constant Contact

Add Txt Record Godaddy

Generate a humorous and engaging image depicting the process of adding a TXT record on a web hosting platform. The scene could be set inside a lively virtual world, with anthropomorphic figures, perhaps as robots or fantastical creatures, ingeniously representing different components involved in the web hosting task in an exaggerated fashion. The central figure, a robot with bright neon coding symbols across its body, can be seen meticulously chiseling a shining 'TXT' onto a digital stone tablet, symbolizing the addition of a TXT record. The background is vibrant with other fantastical creatures cheering or observing in awe.

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Add Txt Record Godaddy

Wix Scrabble Word

Create an image that offers a comical take on the letters 'W', 'I', and 'X' engaging in a game of scrabble. Picture this scenario: The letters themselves have sprouted small arms and legs, emotions clearly visible on their circular faces. They are dressed in various fun accessories like novelty glasses, bow ties and party hats. Their expressions are of intense concentration, perhaps mirroring the seriousness of professional web-hosting scenarios. In the background, there are subtle elements suggesting web hosting environments, such as a server rack or a network diagram, placed cleverly within the context of a traditional board game setup.

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Wix Scrabble Word

Squarespace Carousel

Generate an amusing scene portraying a creative take on web hosting. Imagine a literal carousel, perhaps set in a sunny fairground. Instead of horses or other traditional creatures, the carousel is occupied by web hosting related concepts. For instance, you might have a gleaming server rack for a seat, or a rearing network cable, or a boldly colored data center, instead of normal carousel fair. The sky is cloud-network patterned, emphasizing the 'cloud' in 'cloud hosting'. Let the contrasts between the virtual and the realistic make a witty visual pun, interesting enough to entice viewers.

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Squarespace Carousel

Change Wix Template

Imagine a humorous scene illustrating the concept of changing website templates in the context of web hosting. Picture a Caucasian woman, laughing joyously as she sits in front of a large computer screen. The screen displays a basic and dull template on one side, and on the other, a vibrant, attractive, and modern template suddenly popping out. The woman is in the process of dragging and dropping this latter template onto her existing website. Surrounding her desk, printouts of code and design ideas are strewn about, symbolizing her attempts to design a good site. This scene should realistically capture the excitement and joy that comes from successfully changing a website template and the comic relief it offers in a potentially stressful web hosting scenario.

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Change Wix Template

Squarespace Alternatives

Envision an amusing scenario where different web hosting alternatives to Squarespace are represented as metaphorical buildings in a cityscape. Each building has its own unique and comical design reflecting its characteristic features. A yellow-brick 'Wix' skyscraper with intricate balconies, an 'WordPress' Art Nouveau building with ornate ironwork. Adding to the humour, show website designers as cartoon characters, performing entertaining antics such as tightrope walking from one building to another, or using pulleys to lift website elements up to the buildings. The sky is painted with warm hues of a sunset, reinforcing the idea of web hosting being an interesting, continuous journey.

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Squarespace Alternatives

About .sg Domain Godaddy

Create an amusing image depicting a scenario related to web hosting with a .sg domain. Show a setting in which a metaphorical character called 'Domain Daddy'. He's a cheerful middle-aged man, Asian descent, holding an oversized, glowing '.sg' domain name in one hand and a symbolic miniature server on the other. Set the background as a technologically advanced 'internet city' to add a whimsical touch. This city should include buildings shaped like web icons, roads in the form of data streams, and clouds as wireless signals to portray the concept of web hosting humorously.

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About .sg Domain Godaddy

Delete Domain Godaddy

Create a humorous yet alluring image, emphasizing a fanciful perspective of the universe of web hosting. It captures the concept of a 'domain deletion', but not related to any particular brand or company. In the center is an oversized, cartoonish 'delete' button. Tech-savvy anthropomorphized animals are laughing and cavorting around it, clearly expressing the light-hearted atmosphere. Various mini buildings representing server racks and computers spread around, symbolizing the web hosting domain. Planets, stars, and comets revolve around this scene, hinting at the 'universal' coverage of web hosting.

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Delete Domain Godaddy

About .eu Domains Godaddy

Create a humorous and enticing scene about .eu domains provided by a web hosting company. The scene could depict a physical representation of the internet as a vast, bustling city made of shimmering circuitry and glowing data streams. The main feature is a large, colorful billboard showcasing the .eu domains, portrayed as stylish, futuristic apartments available for rent. The 'For Rent' sign on the billboard is replaced by 'Web Hosting Available' and the skyline around is filled with virtual skyscrapers, symbolizing other domains. A few comically exaggerated, joyful characters (an Asian woman and a Black man) are seen excitedly pointing at the billboard, ready to 'move in' to their new .eu domain.

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About .eu Domains Godaddy

Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting

Create a humorous and enticing image depicting the concept of inexpensive dedicated server hosting. Set the scene in a whimsical office space where the servers are personified as hardworking people from a variety of descents including Caucasian, Asian, and Hispanic, diligently keeping up with the online traffic. The servers are manifested as towering figures showing the importance and capability of a dedicated hosting server. They are shown managing multiple tasks, like juggling web traffic and batting away cyber threats, all while multitasking effectively. Some of them are displaying amusingly exaggerated expressions of determination and concentration. The backdrop includes laughably oversized Ethernet cables and oversized, colorful network diagrams.

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